US Table Tennis Hall of Fame

Recognizing athletes and contributors in the sport of Table Tennis in the United States

Chartchai “Hank” Teekaveerakit

Dec, 18, 2008

Chartchai’s Acceptance Speech

Thank you, Sean.

It is with great honor for me to be inducted into this prestigious group….the USTT Hall of Fame.

First and foremost, I would like to thank Hall of Fame committee members for their support.

My journey into America would not be made possible without the help of my great coaches…Charlie & Chan. Through their contact with the O’Neill Family, Tim Boggan, Gus Kennedy and the USATT, I was able to compete in the 1984 US Open at the Tropicana Hotel, Las Vegas. Thus the new beginning of my table tennis career. Thank you Gus, Thank you Tim for this wonderful opportunity.

On a larger part of my life, I owe much of my achievements to the Oneill family, not only that they sponsored me during my 8 and a half years in the States their unconditional love and guidance have made me what I am today. I was treated as if I were the member of the family. The house was full of joy, and laughter. I had a ball on the Holly Leaf Drive.

Kathy, you were my first English teacher. You took me to school every morning in a white Chrysler with a 21 – Zip license plate. You applied for my Green Card and we celebrated together when the mail came. You were at the major tournaments sitting ring side uttering c’mon Hank. Kathy, you have been most kind.

As for Pat, you are my true supporter. While Kathy was counting the score, you were standing and walking around nervously asking who is winning.

I recalled when I won the Singles at the Nationals in 1986, in Pittsburgh against Sean and the Doubles with him, you took me to Bailey, Banks and Biddle to buy a Movado watch to celebrate my victory……. and to this date, I am still wearing it.

Above all you and Kathy were at my graduation from George Mason University to take part of my yet another achievement of mine.

As for you Sean, I thank you for being a great partner and a great rival. Your friendship and unselfishness of sharing the love of Pat and Kathy, is today still echoing within me.

I remember one of the interviews you gave to the USTTA Magazine SPIN after losing at the Nationals….you said “Yes, I am upset to lose, but the great thing is the title is still within the family.” Off course, Sean later made a comeback and beat the hell out of me in many tournaments, the Olympic trials…….and the Nationals in the Semi-Final where he went on to claim the Men’s Single title.

Sean, your friendship has never stopped even after some 16 years since I left the States, and because of you who has campaigned vigorously to ensure my Hall of Fame candidacy. You are my true friend….Thank you Sean.

In all, I owe everything to this great sport, it brought me to America, to the O’Neill family, to my education, and lastly to my wife Nancy, who was unable to be here tonight, whom I met during the 1989 US Open in Florida. Thank you, Thank you and Thank you.