US Table Tennis Hall of Fame

Recognizing athletes and contributors in the sport of Table Tennis in the United States

2025 Annual Dinner

The 2025 US Table Tennis Hall of Fame Induction Dinner will be held on Thursday, November 6, 2025, at LATTA (Los Angeles Table Tennis Association) In at 10180 Valley Blvd, El Monte, CA in partnership with the Si & Patty Wasserman Junior and Open Championships.

This event will honor the past, celebrate the present, and inspire the future of American table tennis. Additional details on tickets and scheduling will be released soon.

View United States Table Tennis Hall of Fame Annual Dinner Programs – Click on year to download official programs.

2024 ProgramPlayer: Glenn Cowan
Contributors: Dennis Taylor, Stellan Bengtsson
Lifetime Achievement Award: Patty Martinez Wasserman

2023 ProgramPlayers: Ken Brooks, Ashu Jain
Contributors: Dennis Davis, Willy Leparulo

2021 Program – Players: Pam Fontaine, Sebastian DeFrancesco
Contributors: Christian Lillieroos, Roman Tinyszin
Lifetime Achievement Award: David Sakai

2019 Program  – Players: Michael Ralston
Contributors: Sharon Frant Brooks, Li Zhenshi
Lifetime Achievement Award: Richard Hicks

2018 Program – Players: Dhiren Narotam, Aili Elliot, Norman Bass, Jr.
Henan Li Ai, and Teodor “Doru” Gheorghe
Lifetime Achievement Award: 
Larry Hodges

2017 Program – Player: Marcy Monasterial 
Contributors: Bowie Martin Sr. and Scott Preiss 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dell Sweeris

2015 Program – Players: Tahl Leibovitz, Eric Owens, Wang Chen 
Contributor: Tongsheng “Jack” Huang and Dean Johnson 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Si Wasserman

2014 Program – Players: Tawny Banh, Lisa Gee 
Player/Contributor: Sheila O’Dougherty 
Contributor: Richard Butler 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Donna Chaimson Sakai

2013 Program – Players: Todd Sweeris and Terese Terranova 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Yvonne Kronlage

2012 Program – Players: Jennifer Johnson, Errol Resek, Tieu Lan Vuong 
Contributor: George “Gus” Kennedy 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dick Evans

2011 Program – Players: Quang Bui, Jim Butler, Jasna Rather 
Contributor: Jim McQueen 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Mal Anderson

2010 Program – Players: Amy Feng, Brian Masters, Mitch Seidenfeld 
Officials: Bill Walk, Azmy Ibrahim 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Fred Danner

2009 Program – Players Gao Jun and Diana Gee 
Contributor: Bob Fox 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Houshang Bozorgzadeh

2008 Program – Players: Ilija Lupulesku and Chartchai “Hank” Teekaveerakit 
Contributors: Bill Hodge and Chuck Hoey 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Danny Seemiller

2007 Program – Players: Ray Guillen, Sean O’Neill, Olga Soltesz 
Official: Wendell Dillon 
Contributor: Joe Newgarden 
Lifetime Achievement Award: George Brathwaite

2006 Program – Players: Katarzyna “Kasia” Dawidowicz, Khoa Nguyen, Dan Pedora 
Official/Contributor: Si Wasserman 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Joseph R. “Tim” Boggan

2005 Program – Officials/Contributors: Richard McAfee and Marvin “Marty” Prager 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Leah Thall Neuberger and Thelma “Tybie” Thall Sommer

2004 Program – Players: David Sakai, Norbert Van de Walle, Lily Yip
Lifetime Achievement Award
: J. Rufford Harrison

2003 Program – Players: Eric Boggan and David Zhuang 
Contributor: Larry Hodges 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Marty Reisman

2002 Program – Players: Mike Dempsey and Wei Wang 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Dick Miles

2001 Program – Players: Scott Boggan and Richard Hicks 
Contributor: Thomas B. Miller 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Jimmy McClure

2000 Program – Players: Cheng Yinghua and Attila Malek 
Contributor: Robert “Bob” L. Green 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Sol Schiff

1999 Program – Contributors: Ying Chow “Y.C.” Lee and Dr. Michael Scott 
Lifetime Achievement Award: Bobby Gusikoff

1998 Program – Player: Richard “Ricky” Seemiller 
Contributor: Richard “Dick” Evans

1997 Program – Players: Sydney Heitner, Judy Bochenski Hoarfrost, Sharlene Krizman Wilson 
Officials: Shonie Aki, Mal Anderson

1996 Program – Players: Angelita Rosal Bengtsson, Donna Chaimson Sakai 
Contributors: Herwald Lawrence and Neil Smyth

1995 Program – Players: Alice Green Kimble and Danny Seemiller

1994 Program – Players: Davida Hawthorne, Jack Howard, He Ja Lee, Wendy Hicks Stockwell 
Contributors: Steve Isaacson, Yvonne Kronlage, Mary McIlwain, Manny Moskowitz

1993 Program– Players: Patty Martinez Archer and Insook Bhushan 
Official: Fred Danner

1991 Program – Players: Garrett Gray Nash and Pauline Robinson Somael 
Contributor: Sanford Gross

1989 Program – Player: George Brathwaite 
Official: John Read

1988 Program – Player: Bobby Fields 
Official: Graham Steenhoven 
Contributor: Nippon Takkyu co., Ltd.

1987 Program – Players: Peggy Ichkoff, Connie Sweeris, Dell Sweeris 
Contributors: Houshang Bozorgzadeh and Tamasu Company, Ltd.

1985 Program – Players: Jimmy Jacobson, Barbara Chaimson Kaminsky, Edward Pinner, Cy Sussman 
Official: Joseph R. “Tim” Boggan

1984 Program – Players: Charles Burns, Douglas Cartland, Mae Clouther, Bobby Gusikoff, George Hendry, Mildred Wilkinson Shipman
Contributor: Bernard Hock 
Official: J. Rufford Harrison

1983 Program – Players: Sharon Acton, Valleri Bellini, Bernice Charney Chotras, Dal Joon Lee, John Somael

1981 Program – Players: Bernie Bukiet, Tibor Hazi, Erwin Klein, Reba Monness, Marty Reisman 
Officials: Otto F.J. Ek Carl Zeisberg
Contributors: P. Becker and Co. and Harvard Table Tennis Co.

1980 Program – Players: Laszlo Bellak, Peggy McLean Folke, William C. Holzrichter, Mildred Shahian, Thelma “Tybie” Sommer 
Officials: William Gunn and George Shein 
Contributors: William R. Price and John Varga

1979 Program – Players: Abe Berenbaum, Robert “Bud” Blattner, Emily Fuller, Dolores Probert Kuenz, Lou Pagliaro, Sally Green Prouty, Jessie “Jay” Purves, Marcus Schussheim 
Officials: Elmer F. Cinnater and Coleman Clark 
Contributors: Detroiter and General Sportcraft Co., Ltd.